Message from the Principal

PenField School was established in January 2010 with an aim to give every student the very best possible education in order to prepare them for life beyond school.

Our vision of education extends far beyond the classroom. We encourage our students to involve themselves in broad co-curricular programs. Learning here takes place in many shapes & forms. Students have the opportunity to participate fully on the sporting field, on the stage, in leadership activities and on the debating platform.

We expect high standards in all that we do at PenField School. We encourage our students to aim high in their studies, to work hard, and to be sensitive to the rights and needs of others.

In PenField School we have a very strong supportive set of counselors that ensures that the school continues to excel in everything we do.

Of course, this brochure cannot take the place of visiting our school. I warmly welcome you to visit our school and discover firsthand what makes PenField school education so special.

Syed Parvez Ahsan

Principal – PenField School, Dhaka