
How to help your child do home work.

Homework is a past of school life. It is system to make a child test his learning. This enables a child to use his genuine effort to retrieve the lesson learnt in school. Unfortunately many parents take it as a tool of obtaining grades and remarks in the homework copies. Thereby being scared of losing good comments they take the help of private tutors only to help their child do the home work, eventually making the child become dependent on private tutors to secure position in the class. Instead of assigning a home tutor we ardently suggest parents to help the child do homework from the early years of his school life. Don’t get seared just follow the simple steps as advised.

1. Make a routine of homework at a a particular time of the day convenient for both you and your child.

2. Sit beside your child while he/she is doing homework. This will make your child psychologically boosted to do the work.

3. Give him full attention. Don’t use your mobile phone or any other mode of communication during the time of your child’s doing homework.

4. Select a place which is not noisy or a hub of activity for homework.

5. If you’ve something very important to do please do your work sitting with your child. At least the child will realise that you are concerned about his studies and his work is also important. Please keep in mind all. Children are extremely talented. But they fail at times because of our lack of knowledge of guiding them. Let us first start by helping them do homework. They will become confident and self motivated to perform well. Grades and comments that we are so obsessed will come automatically by your child’s own efforts.

How to help children think critically

1. Our children are now on the very of facing the 21st Century challenge. They should be made to grow as informed citizens of tomorrow. They only way to help them thrive is to educate them with critical thinking skills. It will help them understand themselves and other people around the world. They most important critical thinking can benefit the child is by allowing to have the ability to solve complex problems in school, dealing with peer pressure and can determine their feelings about certain issues to build relationship with friends. This in other way equip every child to deal with the obstacles and challenges of life. But how to make them be critical thinks. The simplest formula for parents to guide them in the following ways:

i) The first step is to play with your child’s playing is a great trial and error activity and the foundation of critical thinking skill develops from playing with parents.

ii) Parents can make children inquisitive by allowing them to ask questions. Rather than becoming exhausted by the constant rattle of question encourage them to ask questions. Asking question will make them think critically and the answers will pay off in the end. Gradually they will get better at understanding false and misleading information from others.

iii) Teach your child to be open minded. It will allow them to think of anything without any preconceived notion. No judgmental ego or assumption will dater their thinking about variety and beauty.

iv) Parents, ask your child questions about different issues like fashion, spending a holiday or life style. These questions will invoke critical thinking in the child’s mind.           The end of this topic could be dawn by saying that critical thinking mindset is an important life skill. It will benefit a child academically, professionally and logically which will make them smart thinkers and capable adults in future.

How to behave with your child

The key to raising a well behaved child is very simple. It does not require earth shaking talent just love and affection is enough to accomplish this apparently damting task.

It is you’re the parents who can make a child most sophisticated, well mannered and disciplined if you can set clear expectations up front for how you want your child to behave. To this end in view.

Praise your child for small accomplishments. This will make them feel proud of their achievements.

Speak to them politely. They will do the same when talking to others. Don’t use abusive words to correct their mistakes.

Don’t change rules frequently and provide things of their demand instantly like you’ll not get whatever you like by whining and screaming. This will make them understand that there are well defined boundaries of their demands.

Be a role model for your child. Don’t expect anything for your child to accomplish which you don’t do. This will breed mistrust and disrespect towards you. Moreover confusion as to what is right will loan on him.

Encouraged your child to make discussion from the tender age. They will grow up as confident adults with this type of behavioral tips. This will stretch their cognitive skill by challenging to find answers for themselves. Parents please keep in mind that teaching discipline is not an overnight job. It requires a lot of patience and self control to steer a child toward being a good human. Their misdeeds and misbehavior should get less focus rather a positive gesture towards the problem will bring them back to track.

How to help them focus

Children are by nature very inquisitive. The explore every within their vicinal. This had it of exploration label them as being restless. This type of attitude makes it difficult for them to concentrate. Their focus gets distracted and thereby they fail to concentrate in their class work and homework. Some parents think that gadgets and electronic games can improve attention and concentrations. But the opposite has been found in studies. These gadgets actually reduce attention span and memory power. Instead of trying to provide expensive electronic devices it is advisable for parents to try some of the following powerful concentration games and activities for kids.

1. Give your child some puzzle right for the child’s age to improve focus. This will help him concentrate for long to look into the detail for getting a solution.

2. Make your child it in a place without moving or fidgeting or make him a statue in the form of a game. Now see how long the child can remain silent. This practice